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Donetsk region: 2 civilians killed, 4 wounded in Russian shelling

Sunday, 17 April 2022, 22:14
Donetsk region: 2 civilians killed, 4 wounded in Russian shelling

Denys Karlovskyi – Sunday, 17 April 2022, 22:14

On 17 April 2 people were killed in Russian shelling in the Donetsk region and 4 more wounded.

Source: Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, on Telegram


According to Kyrylenko: "On 17 April 2 people were killed in Russian shelling in the Donetsk region (in Maryinka and Novopillia), 4 more were wounded."

Details: Kyrylenko added that 2 civilians who have been wounded in the Luhansk region received medical assistance in Bakhmut and Kramatorsk.

Donetsk Military Administration notes that the exact number of civilians killed in Russian shelling in Volnovakha and Mariupol is currently impossible to determine.
