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Lukashenko asked Putin for military equipment

Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 17:48
Lukashenko asked Putin for military equipment

Kateryna Tyschenko — Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 18:48

The self-proclaimed president of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to provide Belarus with a S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system and other military equipment.

Source: Lukashenko, quoted by BELTA


Quote: "As it turned out, we do not have enough military equipment. We have sufficient military personnel. As for equipment, not so much.

I turned to Putin, so that we receive, in addition to the S-400 located in Gomel Oblast, an S-400 that will be placed a bit further west of Minsk, so that not only Minsk is covered."

Details: Belarus has anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft missiles S-300PS, Tor-M2 and Pantsir-S missile systems. According to Lukashenko, the country’s anti-aircraft systems, among others, protect the Belarusian nuclear plant. However, considering the situation, the country’s western flanks had to be strengthened, he said.

According to Lukashenko, S-400 Triumph is a very good piece of weaponry.

"We are waiting for it to be sent here. Also other equipment that we need to cover [our western flank] here. This is our future participation in this operation, what we are doing now as well," – said he.

Lukashenko reiterated that no military detachment of Belarusian Armed Forces had left its headquarters, however, he confirmed their readiness to be deployed.

"They are ready. Everyone is ready. And if we need to mobilise, we have verified all lists – within 2-3 days, we will mobilise as the total wartime [demands] all of our detachments that need to be mobilised," – said he.

Background: The self-proclaimed president of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko stated that Belarus was not planning to join Russia’s war against Ukraine.

At the same time, according to Lukashenko, Belarus’ anti-aircraft systems were on standby to prevent any "stabs in the back" of the Russian forces.

However, the press service of Ukraine’s North operational command stated that Belarusian troops had been observed on the territory of the Chernihiv Oblast for the past three days.
