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A bridge blown up on the Kyiv-Zhytomyr highway. One child dead, several people wounded

Saturday, 26 February 2022, 10:40
A bridge blown up on the Kyiv-Zhytomyr highway. One child dead, several people wounded

On 26 February, a bridge near the village of Stoyanka was blown up on the Kyiv-Zhytomyr highway.

Source: NV, eyewitness video

Details: Travelling through the Zhytomyr highway is closed, now it is impossible to drive from Kyiv to Zhytomyr.


Updated: The State Service of Extraordinary Situations (SSES) reported that rescuers had provided assistance as a result of the collapse of cars from the destroyed bridge. Four four people were injured and one child died.

At the time of the rescuers' arrival, it was established that five cars had fallen from the destroyed bridge, one of which was completely destroyed by fire. Extracting the dead and wounded was needed.  Rescuers handed over two men, two women and one child to the emergency medical service. They were later hospitalized by ambulance to Borodyanka Central District Hospital.

SSES officers extracted the body of the dead boy from a damaged car (approximately 8 years old). His body was transported to Borodyanka Central District Hospital.
