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Russia shelled Vorzel, the orphanage with 50 children impacted

Friday, 25 February 2022, 12:44
Russia shelled Vorzel,  the orphanage with 50 children impacted

Ad verbatim: "During the hostilities by the armed forces of the Russian Federation shrapnel from possibly multiple rocket launchers ‘Grad’ impacted one of the premises of the orphanage located in Vorzel, Kyiv region. During the impact 50 children were inside’’.

Details: There were no injuries reported as a result of shelling, as children and staff of the orphanage were in other premises.

"At this point in time the children from the orphanage are not evacuated, the orphanage does not have a bomb shelter or a basement. Upon the request of the prosecutor’s office  the evacuation measures are introduced’’- Venediktova pointed out.
