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SBU Accuses NABU Official of Corruption Due to Moonlighting as a Trainer

Monday, 15 August 2016, 13:21
SBU Accuses NABU Official of Corruption Due to Moonlighting as a Trainer

Ukraine’s internal security service, the SBU, claims to have uncovered corruption at the  National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), as head of one of the departments there was also earning money at another organization, the SBU press service reports.

"While working at NABU, an official with a salary of almost ₴40,000 [a month] and having access to confidential information, three times worked as a ‘trainer’ at events of a European foundation," the statement says.

According to the SBU, the woman violated the requirements of Article 25 of the Law on Preventing Corruption and pt. 2 Article 13 of the Law on the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, which stipulate that officials of her level are prohibited to "perform any other paid activities (except teaching, scientific and creative activities, medical practice, instruction and judging sports) or entrepreneurship."


The SBU has written an administrative protocol against the NABU official and forwarded it to Solomianskyi District Court of Kyiv.

Source: Ukrayinska Pravda
