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All Publications of this Author

Russians drop explosive from drone in Kherson Oblast, injuring three women

US Department of State says it fundamentally wants Ukraine to win war against Russia

Latvian Foreign Minister raises €14,000 for drones for Ukraine through her half marathon

German Foreign Minister arrives in Kyiv on seventh visit

Civilian killed in Russian strike on Stepnohirsk, Zaporizhzhia Oblast

Russian cruise missile downed over Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

Russians hit Kherson, killing one man – video

Explosions rock Luhansk: Russians claim missile strike

Magura naval drones decimated Russian Black Sea Fleet to tune of $500m, intelligence says

Ukrainian Justice Minister believes up to 20,000 convicts could be conscripted as cells are overcrowded

Zelenskyy after meeting with military: We see what Russian forces are preparing for and we will respond to it

Poland calls for EU to coordinate actions concerning Russian agents

Zelenskyy dismisses head of Ukraine's State Protection Department

Secret weapons factories operate in Ukraine, some of them underground

Ukraine and EU agree to extend temporary protection for Ukrainians

President of EU Parliament on Putin's "re-election": I see no legitimacy here

Zelenskyy signs law extending martial law and mobilisation

Zelenskyy reinstates Hereha as Support Forces commander
