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Roman Petrenko

news editor of "Ukrainska Pravda"

All Publications of this Author

Zelenskyy to visit Singapore and speak at security forum

Zelenskyy reminds partners of Ukraine's needs after Russian attack overnight

Poland reports "long and tense night" during Russian attack on Ukraine

Funeral ceremony for combat medic Iryna Tsybukh to be held in Kyiv on Sunday 2 June

Russia seriously damages equipment at two thermal power plants

Critical infrastructure on fire in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast after Russian strike

Ukraine's Air Force shoots down 35 out of 53 missiles and almost 50 Shahed UAVs

Biden calls Putin "brutal tyrant"

Russians bombard Izium district, killing elderly woman and injuring child

Death toll from Russian attack on Kharkiv hypermarket rises to 15

UK Defence Intelligence asserts Russia did not achieve Putin's goals in Kharkiv Oblast

Ukrainian and Russian forces clash 57 times across war zone since start of Sunday

Ukrainian border guards shoot down Russian drone targeting emergency workers – video

White House discusses allowing Ukraine to strike Russian territory with US-supplied weapons

Ukrainian police post video showing inside of Kharkiv hypermarket at time of Russian strike

Zelenskyy: Russia is gathering new group of troops near Ukraine-Russia border

Zelenskyy addresses world from Kharkiv – video

Fire in Kharkiv hypermarket put out after 16 hours, identification of bodies underway
