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Ukrainska Pravda

All Publications of this Author

Russian missile violates Polish airspace

Three Storm Shadow missiles hit Russian Black Sea Fleet communications centre in Sevastopol – photo, video

Families of POWs killed and wounded in Olenivka prison camp have three requests for international community

UK intelligence says Russia can't protect all vulnerable facilities as Ukraine continues to target its oil refineries

Franco-German arms manufacturer to set up plant in Ukraine

King Charles honours Ukrainian conductor Kyrylo Karabyts

US has evidence that ISIS is behind terrorist attack near Moscow and warned Russia in advance

Ukrainian NAVI team defeats Russian opponents in fierce esports match and advances to prestigious Dota 2 tournament

UK announces new military support package for Ukraine featuring drones and air defence systems

White House on shooting incident near Moscow: Nothing points to Ukraine's involvement

Republican Greene initiates resignation of US House Speaker Johnson – media

Ukrainska Pravda celebrates 100 Ukrainian women bringing victory closer

Borrell promises to hold those guilty of Russian large-scale attack on Ukraine accountable

Lithuania provides Ukraine with anti-drone systems

European Commission increases tariffs on grain imports from Russia and Belarus

NATO Alliance is ready for conflict with Russia – NATO Military Committee Chair

UK Intelligence forecasts continued targeting of critical Ukrainian facilities by Russia

10 Ukrainian pilots undergo basic fighter jet training in UK
