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Russians still frightened by Right Sector: supporter of Ukrainian nationalist group allegedly planned terrorist strikes

Russia shells city of Mykolaiv using heavy artillery; 3 civilians injured in Mykolaiv Oblast

Russian losses to date: 41,650 soldiers – General Staff

Donetsk Oblast: Russian forces kill 7 civilians and injure 9 on 4 August

New, powerful explosions rock Mykolaiv – Mykolaiv Mayor

Russian forces trying to advance on two fronts – General Staff report

Zelenskyy: We cannot have any illusions that Russia will refrain from trying to disrupt Ukrainian exports

Russian forces shell civilian bus in Kherson Oblast, killing 2

Olenivka prisoners could have been killed with thermobaric weapons – Prosecutor General of Ukraine

Russia blocks Red Cross from visiting Olenivka prison camp – human rights ombudsman

The Armed Forces of Ukraine killed a reconnaissance group of Russians on the Sloviansk front – General Staff

Russian missile destroys railway track in Dnipropetrovsk region, train traffic halted

Movement of Russian equipment towards Zaporizhzhia recorded in Mariupol

New Kremlin guidelines: war in Ukraine as baptism of Russia, with Putin as Nevsky

Powerful explosion rocks Russian-occupied Skadovsk – media

Air raid sirens sound across all of Ukraine

Zelenskyy: Russia transfers forces to Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts, but in vain

Russians launched two rocket attacks on Odesa Oblast
