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From Neptune launches to naval drones: the Ukrainian Navy's saga of defending the Black Sea

"It is too late to save everyone". Climatologist Svitlana Krakovska on climate issues, war, and the bar that Ukraine sets for the world

Mariia Berlinska: This isn't even a stalemate now – we are on the point of losing the war

Shashank Joshi, Defence Editor at The Economist: Bakhmut campaign cost Ukraine more than it gained

Vira Aheieva: "Great Russian culture" is a myth with big money behind it

Ukrainska Pravda spoke to literary critic Vira Aheieva to try to grasp the nature of Russian imperialism, the role Ukraine plays in it, how generations of Ukrainians grappled with it in the 19th and 20th centuries – and how we can avoid the mistakes they made.

"You should all be raped for more Russians to be born," the guards said. Svitlana Vorova from Azov Regiment talks about 11 months of captivity

Azov and Azovstal, captivity, Olenivka, pre-trial detention torture, prisoners-of-war exchange and the first tiramisu once liberated – Svitlana "Gratsia" Vorova describes her 11 months of Russian captivity in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda.

Yevhen Mezhevikin, Hero of Ukraine: I've been fighting for over nine years. I don't know what civilian life is. War is our life now


Georgia is occupied by Russia and cannot confront it, but must be resolute – President of Georgia

Spokesman for Ukraine's Air Force: If we had surrendered the sky, the entire country would look like Mariupol or Bakhmut

"Look for me, for I might die very soon." Story of National Guard soldier who came back from the dead and has been named Hero of Ukraine

Paul Massaro: If that's Russophobia, fine. But I want to advocate realism toward Russia

Serhii Deineko, Head of Ukraine's State Border Guard Service, on texting Zelenskyy at 05:17, telling a Russian warship to go f**k itself, and the Monaco Battalion

We have every chance to end the war with a victory this year – Ukraine's Defence Intelligence Chief

Bakhmut, the eyes of the wounded, and the victorious. How Mufti Said Ismagilov went to save Ukraine with a gun and the Quran

Nobel Peace Prize winner Oleksandra Matviichuk: Those who committed war crimes should not hide behind Putin

"We need F-16s." An interview with Ukrainian pilot Karaya about the enemy, unmanned aircraft, Top Gun and faith in God

Oleksii Danilov: Putin is like cornered rat. His life has become a nightmare

"We are neither gods nor heroes, this is simply our job". Interview with 22-year-old search and rescuer Yurii Lozynskyi

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: Ukraine has the right to attack Belarus if missiles are launched from its territory again

When we regain Crimea, the Crimean Bridge will cease to exist – Kyrylo Budanov, Ukraine's Intelligence Chief

Head of Azov Regiment Patronage Service: bodies of soldiers handed over by Russians so damaged that it's impossible to collect DNA

Timothy Snyder: Russia calls itself a democracy, but it's obviously not

Amnesty International report on the Armed Forces of Ukraine puts civilians in even greater danger than before – head of Amnesty Ukraine, who has resigned

What to do with a nuclear country that behaves like a schizophrenic? Interview with Peter Pomerantsev

Mamuka Mamulashvili, Commander of the Georgian Legion: Ukraine is the only country to take on the challenge of the barbaric terrorist state that is Russia

"The Ukrainian nation will not be conquered": former tennis star Alexandr Dolgopolov discusses all things rackets and rifles

"The international system is broken." British lawyer Philip Sands on how to punish Putin for the war in Ukraine


David Lipton, IMF: Ukraine risks reversing

Can Ukraine count on the next tranche, what is important for the IMF now, and what is wrong with the Ukrainian reforms – those are the matters the UP have discussed with the First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF David Lipton.

Timothy Snyder: Brexit Is Not Going to Lead to the End of the EU. It Will Lead to Some Kind of Different Europe

Timothy Snyder is an American historian who has been researching the tragic history of the Eastern Europe for many years. Snyder diligently monitors modern day Ukraine and putinist Russia because he considers that many things which are happening here right now can repeat themselves in his native US.