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Poland says it is far from reaching agricultural imports agreement with Ukraine

Ukrainian government proposes "mutual understanding plan" to unblock border with Poland

Ukraine's PM says joint meeting with Poland on border failed to take place

Zelenskyy: Ukraine's PM will come to border, I don't know if Polish counterparts will be present there

Poland plans to impose significant limitations on exports from Ukraine

Ukrainian farmers bring equipment destroyed by Russian attacks to border with Poland – video

Polish Foreign Minister warns US of "profound consequences" if aid to Ukraine is not approved

Zelenskyy talks to European Council President about blocking border with Poland and moving towards the EU

Polish Sejm honours victims of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine

Polish PM refuses to meet with Ukrainian government at the border

Ukrainian parliament ready for dialogue with Poland on Ukrainian grain transportation

Almost half of Poles think Russia is likely to attack Poland

Duda supports government meeting with Ukrainians on border

Almost half of Poles believe war will end with destruction of both Ukraine and Russia

Zelenskyy's press secretary says talks have begun with Poland on meeting format at border

Zelenskyy sends government representatives to border with Poland and calls for meeting with PM Tusk – video

Zelenskyy holds conference call to discuss blockade on Polish-Ukrainian border and frontline situation

Polish Consul General in Lviv on farmers' actions at border: Shameful and disgraceful; I can hardly believe they're Poles

Ongoing blockade: State Border Guard Service updates info on traffic at 6 crossings with Poland

Polish deputy minister of agriculture threatens new restrictions on imports if Ukraine refuses to cooperate

Polish government fears they are losing German market because of Ukrainian grain

Polish police launch investigation into protester's outrageous banner addressed to Putin

Polish farmers call on Putin to "bring order to Ukraine", Polish Interior Minister reacts

Poles could lose many jobs due to blockade of border with Ukraine – Polish Agriculture Minister

Ukraine plans new export route on Danube to bypass Polish blockade

Polish border blockade: Cars and buses let through on two checkpoints

Ukrainian Agriculture Ministry condemns forms of protest of Polish farmers who spilled grain from train

Border blockade to cause more damage to Poland than Ukraine

Ukrainian hauliers start blocking Polish lorries – photo, video

Aggressive blockade: Ukraine's State Border Guard Service on Ukraine-Poland border situation