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Zelenskyy explains why he would like to invite Trump to Ukraine

Zelenskyy on Trump's idea to end Russo-Ukrainian war: does he really want to be a loser president?

Donald Trump says he would bomb Moscow and Beijing – WP

Trump promises to "try and help Ukraine"

"I'm running against a 6-year-old": Biden jokes about Trump

We will work with any US president – Zelenskyy on Trump

Lithuanian president commends Duda for influencing Trump's stance on Ukraine

Trump ally says bill with aid to Ukraine may be considered next week

Trump supports approval of assistance to Ukraine, but in loan form

Media reveals Trump's ideas about NATO and ending Russo-Ukrainian war

Zelenskyy rejects "primitive" ideas from Trump on ending of war

UK Foreign Secretary's attempt to convince Trump to unblock assistance to Ukraine fails – The Guardian

Donald Trump's plan to end war is to force Ukraine to give up territory – WP

NATO may take Ramstein format under its wing to protect it from Trump – Politico

Trump turns to Bible sales, facing legal costs – photo

Trump does not rule out Putin's involvement in Navalny's death

Trump hopes he won't have to decide whether give weapons to Ukraine or allow Putin occupy it

Trump tells made-up story mentioning Zelenskyy at voter meeting – CNN

Trump, Orbán, and Musk. Is this Putin's secret global private group?

Orbán describes Trump's in-depth plans to end war: he won't give a penny

Trump exchanges compliments with Orbán, calling him a "fantastic leader"

Hungarian PM meets with Trump and asks him to "come back and bring peace"

Hungarian PM to discuss ways of ending Russian war in Ukraine with Donald Trump

Biden: Trump's second term means return to chaos, division and darkness

Hungarian PM confirms he met with Trump who supposedly "can stop wars"

Illinois court bars Trump from primaries

I can't understand how Trump can be on Putin's side – Zelenskyy

Zelenskyy: Trump cannot end war in 24 hours

Trump links Navalny's death with problems in US

EU working on contingency plan in case Trump drops aid for Ukraine