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Greece studies Kyiv's new and old requests for military assistance

Greece refuses to give Ukraine its Patriot air defence systems

​​Greece and Spain under pressure to provide Ukraine with additional air defence systems

Zelenskyy and Greek PM agree to galvanise work on bilateral security agreement

Greece joins Ukraine demining coalition

Greece and Czechia hold talks to supply Ukraine with weapons

Greek PM after witnessing Russian attack on Odesa: You shall not intimidate us

Media reports Russia carried out missile strike on Odesa during Greek PM's visit

Zelenskyy to meet Greek PM in Odesa, media says

Greece estimates EU will receive €50-60bn from Russian assets to support Ukraine

Zelenskyy discusses Ukraine's need for air defence and artillery with Greek PM

Greece prepares military aid package for Ukraine following US request

US may provide military aid to Ukraine through Greece

Three Greek companies stop transporting Russian oil to avoid sanctions – Reuters

Man detained in Greece on suspicion of embezzling US$1.1 million from Ukraine's Defence Ministry

Greece might send Leopard 1 tanks to Ukraine

Greece to terminate contract for servicing Russian SAM systems and transfer them to Ukraine

11 countries adopt declaration in support of Ukraine at Athens summit

Greece signs declaration of support for Ukraine's NATO membership

Greece to train Ukrainian troops on F-16

Serbian President to hold meeting with Zelenskyy in Greece

Zelenskyy begins his visit to Greece

Zelenskyy goes to Greece for Balkans summit

Greece negotiates joint production of ammunition for Ukraine and EU

Greece joins G7 declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine

Russia strikes abandoned Greek consulate in Kherson

Greece to help restore Odesa landmarks damaged by Russian attacks

Greece and Bulgaria consider grain transit from Ukraine by railway

Zelenskyy: Greek consulate and 50 buildings damaged in attack on Odesa

Greek Prime Minister assures Zelenskyy of support for Ukraine as long as necessary