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18-year-old son of Chechen leader Kadyrov now heads football club after becoming minister

Chechen leader threatens Russian ultranationalists after terrorist attack near Moscow

Chechen leader's son who attacked detainee appointed to his security service

Events in Dagestan reveal loss of authoritarian control in Russian regions – ISW

Chechen leader allows to shoot to kill protesters

Ukraine's Intelligence explains why Chechen leader Kadyrov is still alive, despite his very serious condition

Rumours of Kadyrov's poor health affect Putin's power in Chechnya – ISW

Video appears on Chechen leader's social media amid rumours he is critically ill or dead

Chechen leader Kadyrov is in critical condition – Ukrainian intelligence

Kadyrov's son assaults Ukrainian accused of burning Quran

UK Intelligence tells how Chechen leader Kadyrov proves his loyalty to Putin

Defence Intelligence posts video of Chechen volunteers destroying truck driven by Russian troops

Chechen human rights ombudsman calls attack on journalist and lawyer "a diversion"

Сlient of lawyer beaten up in Chechnya is sentenced to 5½ years in penal colony

Fingers broken and documents destroyed: journalist and lawyer brutally beaten in Chechnya

Chechen leader cannot contact his right-hand man wounded in Ukraine

Ukraine's National Security Secretary says Chechen leader should take revenge on Moscow and Putin but not Ukraine

Chairman of Chechnya's parliament, who forms Kadyrovites' units for war in Ukraine, served with suspicion

Croatia denies asylum to five Chechens who fled mobilisation in Russia

Russia redeploys unit of brigade created for war against Chechen Republic of Ichkeria near Vuhledar

Chechen leader says he begins to prepare local priests for war in Ukraine

Danilov: as soon as Putin is gone, Ichkeria will be free

Chechen soldiers clash with conscripts from Russian-occupied territory of Donetsk Oblast: 3 injured

Unit from Chechnya is looting residents in Kherson Oblast

Chechen leader extends mobilisation in Chechnya

Chechen leader: 23 Chechen soldiers killed and 58 injured in Kherson Oblast

Chechen leader is warned: Unless Russia is destroyed, it will return to kill Chechen women and children

Chechen leader claims his 3 sons took part in hostilities in Ukraine

Chechen authorities mobilise over 500 men who applied for passports

Chechen leader says mobilisation does not extend to Chechnya