Joint Statement By The Leaders Of The Political Parties And Community Representatives

Среда, 27 ноября 2013, 10:39

Hundreds of thousands of our country's citizens have joined together on European Square and Maidan Nezalzhnosti in Kyiv, on scores of other Euromaidans in other Ukrainian cities in order to support the concept of Ukraine's European association. The squares and streets of our cities have become a common space of freedom in Ukraine, where everyone can express their opinions and demonstrate their own position on the actions of the Ukrainian authorities.

Various people came out in support of Ukraine's European integration - non-partisan and members of opposition political parties, with party flags and without them, entrepreneurs, students, young people and our honoured veterans , residents of the east and south, centre, north and west of Ukraine. The idea of European integration has symbolically united two iconic places of the capital - Independence Square, which is a symbol of Ukraine and European Square , which symbolises Europe in Ukraine. It is a symbol of unity for the sake of European integration.

Today attempts are being made to divide us, but this tactic will not work. We are different - but we are united because we share one ideal - at the Eastern Partnership Vilnius summit President Viktor Yanukovych should sign the Association Agreement.

We , politicians and community activists will jointly coordinate our actions and provide mutual support and protect those who have come out to support this ideal, and will issue daily reports on our plans. We express our sincere gratitude to public figures, writers, poets, musicians, journalists for their support and performances. We also thank the people of Kyiv for providing fantastic support to the rally with food, warm clothing, communication systems and so on.

We appeal to residents and guests from other cities - come and stand on European Square and Maidan Nezalezhnosti, bring warm clothes and food, spread the message and report about what happens to those who do not have access to the Internet and objective information.

We appeal to our supporters in other cities - takes to the streets of your cities, create your Euromaidans.

Do not be indifferent!

Ukraine's destiny is in our hands!

Chairman of the Political Council of the Association "Batkivschyna" Arseniy Yatsenyuk,

Head of the UDAR Political Party Vitali Klitschko

Head of "Svoboda" Oleh Tiahnybok


The Organising Committee #EuroMaidan

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