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Rocket and phosphorus bombardment in Luhansk region: four dead

Russian tank shot at car with children inside in Kharkiv region: 3 people killed

Mykolayiv region: Russian troops shelled petrol station, killing 3

Russian tank shelled a care home in Kreminna, killing 56

Occupiers throw grenade at Trostyanets civilians, leaving 2 dead

House in Rubizhne collapses under shelling: 3 dead

Russian army has killed 9 people with 2 missiles near Zaporizhzhia

Russians shell evacuation convoy near Kyiv, killing police officers

Five dead people found under the rubble of a dormitory in Chernihiv

Russians shelled residential neighbourhoods near Kharkiv, killing 3

Rocket shot down by air defence system hit apartment building in Kyiv: one person killed, damage to the building

16-year-old boy died during Russian shelling of Chuhuyiv

Rivne TV tower attack: death toll rises to 19

Russia’s shelling of hospital, residential care facility, and 3 schools in Rubizhne: 4 killed

Russian troops have fired on 15 towns in the Donetsk region, leaving dead and wounded

Occupiers have killed a journalist for The New York Times in Irpin

35 dead in the Yavoriv peacekeeping and security centre attack

About 1,300 Ukrainian soldiers have died in our country. Russians have lost ten times more – Zelenskyy

27 civilians in Kharkiv killed by Russian troops in one day

170 civilians, including 5 children, have been killed in Kharkiv by Russian troops since the start of the war.

Russian losses in Ukraine now reach 12,000 military personnel - General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The total Russian losses since the beginning of the war against Ukraine are currently estimated to approximately 12,000 personnel.

Russian airstrike kills 7 adults and 2 children in Sumy

An airstrike on the city of Sumy executed last night by Russian troops killed at least 9 people, 2 of them children.

Ukrainian Railways recalls wagons for dead Russians. The aggressor country is not taking back their bodies

Ukrzaliznytsya (UZ - Ukrainian Railways) has sent 20 refrigerated wagons to Fastiv, Odesa-Zastava, Podolsk, Merefa and Zaporizhzhya stations. The wagons remained at the stations for three days, but the bodies of Russian soldiers never started to be loaded because of the Russians' unwillingness to take the dead.

Child killed by shell fragment in Mykolayiv

The Mykolayiv region local government urges people not to pick up the unexploded ordinance or its fragments. This has already led to the death of a young boy.

Kharkiv Region: Russian shelling kills 34, with 285 wounded

As of the morning of 3 March, Russian shelling in the Kharkiv region has killed 34 civilians and wounded 285 more, 10 of them children.

Website launched for Russians to find family members captured in killed in action during the invasion of Ukraine


The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has launched the website, where it publishes photos and documents of the Russian invaders captured and killed in action in Ukraine, so that their relatives could find them.

In Kyiv, saboteurs shot dead a family with 3 children


In the capital, a sabotage and reconnaissance group (SRG) of the enemy shot a family with three children. Both adults and one child were killed.

In Kyiv, 20 Ukrainians have been killed since the beginning of the war, but the enemy have not penetrated the city - Klitschko


Since the beginning of the Russian military attacks on Ukraine, 14 military people and fighters of territorial defense forces, and 6 civilians were killed. 71 people were wounded; 25 out of these were civilians.

Muzhenko: Politicians Are Trying to Turn Ilovaisk Tragedy into a Farce

The Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko thinks that responsibility for ‘Ilovaisk tragedy’ should be divided between various officials, and actions should be evaluated not by the General Prosecutor’s Office, but by various courts.

Number of Ukrainian Victims of Terror Attack in Nice Increases

The number of Ukrainian victims of the terror attack in Nice has increased. One person was killed and two wounded.

Armed Forces Chief Questioned Over 2014 Airplane Attack

Chief of the General Staff Viktor Muzhenko was questioned in the case of Major General Viktor Nazarov who is accused of negligence of duty, which led to the deaths of 49 people in the sky above Luhansk on June 14, 2014.