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Armed Forces

Russian attack jet shot down in skies over Kherson Oblast on Friday

After strikes by Armed Forces of Ukraine, corpses of Russians are taken away by crowded trucks – General Staff

Ukrainian Armed Forces strike 13 Russian strong points – General Staff report

Ukraine's Armed Forces strike concentrations of Russian forces over 330 times – Operational Command Pivden (South)

Ukrainian Armed Forces defeat Russian paratroopers regiment – General Staff

Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian bomber and 30 items of military equipment – Operational Command Pivden (South)

Ukrainian army repels Russian attacks near 8 settlements – General Staff report

Ukrainian forces destroy Russian Mi-8 helicopter and kill over 120 Russian soldiers – Operational Command Pivden (South)

Armed Forces of Ukraine liberate over 300 settlements in Kharkiv Oblast – Deputy Minister of Defence

Ukrainian army shoots down first Russian-purchased Iranian drone – StratCom of Ukrainian Armed Forces

Ukrainian Armed Forces repel Russian attacks near 7 settlements – General Staff report

Ukrainian defenders strike concentrations of Russian weapons, equipment and command posts – Operational Command Pivden (South)

Russians seek ways to surrender due to counteroffensive – Operational Command South

Berlin delighted with counterattack of Armed Forces of Ukraine – Ambassador of Germany

Armed Forces of Ukraine defeat Russian Marine Brigade – General Staff

Armed Forces of Ukraine regain control over 20 towns and villages – General Staff report

Operational Command Pivden (South): 4 Russian large landing ships manoeuvre in Black Sea

Armed Forces of Ukraine destroy Russian ammunition storage point in Kakhovka – Operational Command Pivden (South)

Mop-up operations in Kharkiv Oblast: Ukrainian forces capture crucial UAV, self-propelled gun and tank

Armed Forces of Ukraine fire rockets containing instructions on how to surrender on Russians before advancing – Ministry of Defence 

Commander-in-Chief on Ukraine's counteroffensive: Only 50km left to the border

Ukrainian Armed Forces counter-offensive: Russian army loses another 400 soldiers and dozens of vehicles

Ukrainian Air Force destroys Russian jet-fighter

Reznikov on outcome of Ramstein-5 meeting: We agree on more essential training of Ukrainian fighters

Armed Forces of Ukraine liberate Kupiansk – regional council

Occupiers lose another 350 soldiers, 14 tanks and 22 artillery systems

Ukrainian aircraft hit 25 strong points and concentrations of Russians in one day – Luhansk Oblast Military Administration

Ukraine’s Armed Forces take control of more than 30 settlements in Kharkiv Oblast – Zelenskyy

Head of liberated village in Kharkiv region detained for assisting invaders

Ukrainian SOF unit destroy a Russian army APC in occupied territory