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Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Last line connecting ZNPP to energy system of Ukraine cut off

Part of the IAEA participants leaves Energoatom

Russian Defence Ministry spends three days thinking how to explain non-admission of journalists to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Ukraine’s PM visits Scholz, proposes that a special EU and UN special mission be sent to the ZNPP

Russian forces use MLRS to fire rockets from Zaporizhzhia NPP – The Insider

ZNPP is again on the backup power line, one power unit is operating

Erdoğan to Putin: Turkey can mediate talks on Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP

Head of Nikopol district: Number of occupiers on opposite bank of river decreased

IAEA to leave two representatives at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant after end of mission; report to be released soon

In anticipation of visit by IAEA expert mission to ZNPP, Russian troops removed their military equipment from station – Ukrainian General Staff

Fifth power unit of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, previously disconnected due to Russian attack, reconnected to power grid

Russia lying about obstructing IAEA mission at ZNPP – Energoatom

Russian occupiers prevent journalists from visiting ZNPP alongside IAEA mission – Zelenskyy

Ukraine’s presidential advisor finds it strange IAEA visit to ZNPP too short

IAEA to maintain presence at ZNPP – IAEA Director General

Russia to convene another UN Security Council meeting on the topic of the ZNPP

Five IAEA representatives to remain at ZNPP – IAEA Director General

IAEA mission arrives at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Russians are evacuating Rosatom employees from ZNPP – intelligence

IAEA mission enters grey zone, moving towards Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Lavrov explains what Russia expects from IAEA mission to ZNPP

IAEA mission stops halfway, waiting until it is safe to go to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

Russians may prevent IAEA mission from visiting key Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant facilities – Minister of Energy of Ukraine

Russia disrupts visit of IAEA mission to occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP with shelling – Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ZNPP shuts down operating unit 5 due to shelling by the Russians – Energoatom

Russia to use "extras" to stage support for its actions at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant for IAEA mission – Ukrainian intelligence

Occupiers ostentatiously capture "Ukrainian terrorists" on eve of IAEA mission arrival at Zaporozhzhia Nuclear Power Plant 

Russia refuses to provide special passes for IAEA mission in Zaporizhzhia

Russian occupiers give IAEA 1 day to complete Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant inspection as its mission sets out from Kyiv to Zaporizhzhia

Zelenskyy hopes that Ukraine and partners will be able to make Russian forces leave Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant