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Kremlin deepens Russian social networks censorship – ISW

Statement by Ukrainska Pravda on the detention of journalists Mykhailo Tkach and Yaroslav Bondarenko in Poland

Russia is looking for new ways to suppress criticism of the war – UK Defence Intelligence

Local "authorities" losing control in occupied part of Donetsk Oblast: texting and call censorship introduced

Russian Defence Ministry tries to limit information about war in Ukraine – ISW

Conflict Intelligence Team that warned international community of Russian invasion declared illegal in Russia

VPN is key obstacle to Kremlin's control over media in Russia – UK intelligence

Human rights ombudsman appeals to Defence Minister about journalists stripped of accreditation

Russians introduce military censorship in Melitopol

Russia wants to impose fines for maps that don’t show occupied Crimea as Russian territory

Hackers attack Roskomnadzor and upload more than 360,000 files

Access to Twitter blocked for Russians

Complete censorship in Russia: Novaya Gazeta removes its materials on war in Ukraine

The Russian independent newspaper “Novaya Gazeta”, one of the few that has openly called Russia's attack on Ukraine a war and an invasion, has decided to remove materials on the topic from its website at the request of the authorities.