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Russia deploys former Wagner Group fighters to Skadovsk, Ukraine's south

Occupiers report missile attack on Skadovsk: Russian base supposedly hit

Explosions rock Russian-occupied Skadovsk, Kherson Oblast

Pro-Ukrainian family evacuates from occupied Skadovsk

After Berdiansk, explosions sound in occupied cities of Tokmak and Skadovsk

Occupiers stop work of "administrations" in Kherson Oblast, take documents and leave – General Staff

Russians bring conscripts to Skadovsk and settle them in educational institutions

Russians loot hospital in Skadovsk

Ukrainian ex-deputy and collaborator Buliuk’s car detonates in Kherson Oblast

Shots are heard in Skadovsk, Kherson Oblast

In Skadovsk district, the invaders stopped delivering pensions – General Staff report

Russian occupation forces ramp up searches among Skadovsk residents – General Staff report

Ukrainian Armed Forces kill about 50 Russian invaders in occupied Skadovsk, Kherson Oblast

More Russian troops appear in occupied Skadovsk

Occupation administration of Kherson moves to Skadovsk – General Staff report

Children of occupied Skadovsk will study remotely in Ukrainian schools

Russians conduct a "sweep" of occupied Skadovsk – Oblast Council

Media demonstrates impact of attack by Armed Forces of Ukraine near Skadovsk

Powerful explosion rocks Russian-occupied Skadovsk – media

Eyewitnesses report explosions in Kherson, Skadovsk and Kharkiv

Shelling of the Skadovsk seaport: a civilian killed

Explosions heard near the port in captured Skadovsk - mayor

Kherson Oblast: The occupiers abduct a district council lawmaker

Kherson region: the mayor of Skadovsk had to leave because of threats from the Russian occupiers

Skadovsk residents rally against aggressor: Russians opened fire

Russian military entered Skadovsk and took computers out of the city council

On 9 March, Russian military forces entered Skadovsk in the Kherson region, locals were not allowed to visit the monument to famous Ukrainian poet, writer and artist Taras Shevchenko, and computers were taken out of the city council.