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defence intelligence

Iran refuses to supply missiles to Russia so far – Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence

Occupiers shot on the spot for drinking

National Security and Defence Council and Chief Intelligence Directorate comment on Putin and Lukashenko’s tete-a-tete conversation

Putin postponed attack on Ukraine three times, FSB insisted on it

"There will be no surprises": Ukraine's Defence Intelligence tell how they will know about new major offensive of Russia

Entire divisions of Russian army are surrendering and over a million people have used Ukrainian website "I Want To Live"

Ukrainian intelligence advises against connecting Russian missile attacks with holiday dates

Russia is going to conscript 17-year-olds in occupied territories

"Guys run away every day": occupier complains to his mother about mass desertion

Ukrainian Defence Intelligence Chief's opinion: Russian propagandists are preparing Russia for defeat, as it is a foregone conclusion

Ukrainian Defence Intelligence Chief: Russia still has stockpile of missiles for several large-scale attacks

Putin wants to introduce total control over Russian draft dodgers by February

No country provided Ukraine with specific intelligence data about Russian invasion – Zelenskyy

Russia using strategic stockpile of some types of weapons

Serbia appoints pro-Russian politician as new intelligence chief

Defence Intelligence on possibility of swapping UOC-MP priests: Ukraine ready for creative approaches

Ukrainian Chief Intelligence Directorate explains why Russia’s mass missile strikes come to halt

No signs of powerful strike group being created in Belarus – Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

Information about new offensive from Belarus is fake, intended to spread panic

"People's satellite" helps Ukrainian intelligence reveal 2,600 pieces of Russian military equipment

Ukrainian Intelligence names global companies that presumably sell chips for Russian missile strikes

Ukrainian intelligence sees no sign of massive import of chemical weapons by Russians yet

Russia needs a week to prepare another missile strike on Ukraine 

Russia is preparing terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure facilities in Belarus

Ukrainian intelligence chief on joint project with Come Back Alive Foundation: Black Box will reduce Russia’s offensive

Russia's private military companies' commanders are former Russian Special Forces

Metropolitan of Kyiv confers Order of the OCU on head of Defence Intelligence

Parts of Iranian-made drones manufactured after 24 February, despite Iran's claims it did not supply them to Russia

Russians blow up communication towers of Ukrainian operators in Kherson Oblast

Russians have only 120 Iskanders left