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Ukraine's Defence Minister confirms delivery of another IRIS-T air defence system

First Patriot air defence systems arrived in Ukraine – Defence Minister

Ukraine's Defence Minister posts video of French-supplied "wheeled tanks"

Ukraine is de facto a member of NATO, only political decision left – Ukrainian Defence Minister

Ukraine's Defence Minister issues apology for comparing Ukraine's losses with victims in Türkiye

Ukraine's Defence Minister: Ukraine's losses in war are smaller than number of victims of earthquake in Türkiye

Ukraine's Defence Minister names two reasons why West hesitates to supply all weapons to Ukraine: first reason is connected to Merkel

We didn't know if we would come back – Ukraine's Defence Minister on talks with Russia in Minsk

Ukrainian Defence Minister calls on world to push for Russia's transformation: It must undergo denazification

Crimea must be liberated for shipping safety, and it will be – Ukraine's Defence Minister

Ukraine's Defence Minister discusses "interesting things" with NATO Deputy Secretary General regarding Vilnius summit

"Leaked" US documents are a mix of true and false information – Ukrainian Defence Minister

Ukraine's Defence Minister invites foreign F-16 pilots to fight Russia in Ukraine

Ukraine's Defence Minister tells journalists how Russians counteract HIMARS, and what they expect

"He was preparing all his life": Ukraine's Defence Minister describes atmosphere in Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief office during first hours of Russian invasion

To be held offline: Ukraine's Defence Minister announces 11th Ramstein

Ukraine's Defence Minister tells EU ambassadors what is needed for effective counteroffensive

Ukraine's Defence Minister "test drives" US-made Stryker and Cougar armoured vehicles

Ukraine's Defence Minister explains importance of Bakhmut's defence and announces huge Russian losses

Counter-offensive to be conducted on several fronts and could start in April or May – Ukraine's Defence Minister

Representatives of Ukraine and United States discuss repelling Russian aggression

It's inspiring optimism – Defence Minister Reznikov after Ramstein meeting

Ramstein to discuss new aid for Ukraine on 15 March

Ukrainian Defence Minister announces formation of "naval coalition": 3 countries have already joined

Air Defence Systems and a million shells for Ukraine are first priority – Ukraine's Defence Minister

Ukraine's Defence Minister on "Ukrainian trace" in explosions on Russian gas pipelines: Flattering, but it is not us

EU defence ministers to hear their Ukrainian counterpart and discuss supplying Ukraine with ammunition

Mobilisation plan is not completed

Ukraine's Defence Minister asks EU to send Ukraine 250,000 artillery shells a month

Ukraine expects to receive two or three types of Western fighters, one will be its main one