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Putin says how many roubles a Russian soldier's life is worth

President Vladimir Putin stated that for the death of a Russian soldier in Ukraine, the soldier's family would receive nearly 7.5 million rubles and additional payments.

Zelenskyy says he's ready to talk to Putin about Donbas and language

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that he is ready to talk to Vladimir Putin on equal terms about any issues that are of concern to the Russian government.

Zelenskyy to Putin: "Get off our land and sit with me at the negotiating table"

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that he is ready to sit down at the negotiating table with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

9,000 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine. Putin says, everything going according to plan

President Vladimir Putin said on 3 March that the invasion "was going according to plan", despite the Russian army’s enormous losses.

Putin to Macron: there were no rocket attacks on Kyiv and other cities

The Russian President Vladimir Putin, who launched the war against Ukraine, claims that there have been no rocket attacks on Kyiv – it is all an “anti-Russian disinformation campaign.”

Zelenskyy: We haven’t surrendered anything, Putin won’t be able to hide from God even in his bunker

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that the Russian invaders have not succeeded in reaching their goals on any of the strategic fronts of the Ukraine offensive. He said that they are doomed to lose.

Ukraine-Russia negotiations: Kremlin's three-pronged demands

Putin's aid Vladimir Medinsky said that the "Russian proposals" in negotiations with Ukraine has three parts - military-technical, humanitarian-international, and political.

Zelenskyy: If Putin thinks that we will surrender— he knows nothing about Ukraine

President Zelenskyy claimed that Putin was wrong to think that he could break Ukrainians or make them surrender, and compared the desire to destroy Ukraine with a disease.

Jews who survived the Holocaust curse Putin from Kyiv bomb shelter and demand peace

Kyivans who suffered during the Holocaust and lost their loved ones at Babyn Yar are now forced to hide from Russian bombs in the capital's basements in 2022. They called on Vladimir Putin to stop the bombing and leave Ukrainians alone.

Cowardly West? Or accomplices to Putin's war crimes?

President of Kazakhstan speaks with Putin, asks for compromise with Ukraine

The head of Kazakhstan, Kassim-Jomarta Tokaev, had a phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Defend Ukraine: we need much more and now

Putin aware of Russia’s losses, would not publicise the number killed in action

The Russian President’s press secretary, Dmitriy Peskov, has stated that Vladimir Putin was continuously receiving information about Russian casualties in the war against Ukraine, however, the Kremlin could not provide casualty figures. According to Peskov, this is the prerogative of Russia’s Ministry of Defence.

Threats of nuclear war coming from Russia again

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has stated that a third World War would be nuclear.

On Monday, invaders launched 16 rockets at Kharkiv

Desperate attempts to hide military failure: Putin's regime blocks Russian media outlets “Echo of Moscow” and “Dozhd”

On March 1, the websites of the well-known Russian media outlets “Echo of Moscow” and “Dozhd” were blocked.

Chatbot created in Ukraine to collect evidence against Russia

A chatbot called was created in Ukraine to collect images and recordings evidencing the Russian aggression in Ukraine to substantiate the legal case against Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation.

State Agency of Automobile Roads of Ukraine sets up new road sign: traffic forbidden to Putin

The State Agency of Automobile Roads of Ukraine (Ukravtodor -ed.) developed a new road sign — "Traffic is forbidden to invaders" — depicting the crossed-out head of Russian President Vladimir Putin. They have begun installation work on the roads.

Putin wants Crimea, neutrality and 'denazification' of Ukraine to stop the war

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his talk with French leader Emmanuel Macron, provided the conditions to stop the war against Ukraine as reported by the press service of the Kremlin based on the phone call between Putin and Emmanuel Macron.

Nuclear weapons: Minister Shoygu has already implemented Putin’s order

The Russian Minister of Defence, Sergey Shoygu, has reported to President Putin that the command centres of the rocket troops of the Russian Federation have begun operating with increased staff.

Kremlin comments on personal sanctions against Putin

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that western sanctions against Vladimir Putin are ‘absurd and very short-sighted', as quoted by russian agency Interfax, says European Pravda.

Putin's office did not answer the question on the threat of war between Russia and NATO

Volodymyr Putin’s spokesperson refused to comment on the question regarding the possibility of clash between Russia and NATO.

Sunday news digest: Putin’s nuclear forces, Zelenskyy talks to Lukashenko

News from Sunday 27 February: Putin orders nuclear forces on standby; Zelensky talks to Lukashenko before his possible offensive.

On the brink of WWIII: Putin orders nuclear deterrence forces on high alert

President Zelenskyy appeals to the Russians again: Stop the war

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2022, 12:34pm.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed, again, to the Russian citizens and soldiers of the occupation troops of the Russian Federation to protest against the war and force the Kremlin to stop its armed aggression against Ukraine.

Source: Zelenskyy’s appeal

Canada is imposing sanctions on Putin and Lukashenko and demanding Russia's removal from SWIFT

Saturday, February 26, 2022, 03:54

Canada has adopted a package of measures to support Ukraine.

According to European Pravda, Canadian Finance MinisterMinister of Finance Chrystia Freeland wrote on her Facebook page.

President’s office: consultations regarding negotiations with Putin are underway

Valentyna Romanenko – Friday, 25 February 2022, 23:18

The office of the President of Ukraine says that consultations on negotiations with Russia are underway.

Source: Zelenskyy's press secretary Serhiy Nikiforov on Facebook

EU freezes assets of Putin and Lavrov

EU agrees to freeze assets of Putin and Lavrov.

European Union decided to freeze the assets of Putin and Lavrov

П'ЯТНИЦЯ, 25 ЛЮТОГО 2022, 20:25

EU agreed to freeze the assets of Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and Minister of foreign affairs, Sergey Lavrov.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edgars Rinkevics, said that this decision was made by the Council of the EU at the level of foreign ministers.

80 tanks and more than 500 combat vehicles - Russia's losses in one and a half days of war


Ukraine has destroyed up to 80 Russian tanks since the start of the war on 24 February.
Source : Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar on Facebook