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Putin not sure he can rally Russian elite – ISW

Putin forewarned of rebellion 2-3 days in advance but did not order to suppress it – WP

ISW explains why Putin wrote article about Russia's withdrawal from grain initiative

Lithuania calls Putin's words about a joint brigade with Ukrainians ridiculous

Putin's attempts to "drive a wedge" between Kyiv and Warsaw are futile – Ukraine's Foreign Minister

Putin gives his version of why Russia withdrew from grain initiative

Polish Foreign Ministry summons Russian ambassador after Putin's lies

Tenth convoy of Wagnerites arrives in Belarus

Lukashenko threatens Poland with Wagnerites: They want to go to West

Russian forces likely trying to create buffer zone around Luhansk Oblast – UK Intelligence

Lukashenko flies to Putin in St Petersburg

US intelligence does not doubt Putin's words that nuclear weapons are already in Belarus

Girkin's arrest may anger some in Russian military and propagandists – UK intelligence

Putin believes he will be able to survive Ukraine – Blinken

ISW analyses why Kremlin is manipulating grain deal

Poland to summon Russian ambassador after Putin's rant about Stalin and Polish lands

South African authorities agree to issue arrest warrant for Putin

Lukashenko to meet with Putin on weekend

Putin has not yet decided how to get back at Prigozhin – CIA Chief

Putin lied that Belarus is threatened by aggression and Russia is eager to defend it

Baltika and Danone plants in Russia under management of Putin's friend and Kadyrov's nephew

If I were Prigozhin, I would not fire his food taster, Putin is apostle of payback – CIA Director

Ukraine has twisted a rope out of Putin's red lines to hang Russian imperialism with – Ukraine's Security Council Secretary

US State Department on Putin's decision not to go to BRICS summit: he has become an international pariah

Putin reveals "conditions" of Russia coming back to Black Sea Grain Initiative

Putin briefed on fire at test site in Crimea

Wagner Group Chief loses support of Russians after mutiny; he could compete with Putin before

Zelenskyy: Putin is a maniac who decided to kill us all

Russia made it clear that Putin's arrest will be considered "declaration of war" – South African President

All ICC member states obliged to detain Putin and extradite him to The Hague – Ukraine's Foreign Minister