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Scholz vows Ukraine will receive €50 billion despite Orbán blocking it

French President reveals Hungarian PM's promise concerning Ukraine's EU accession

Orbán blocks EU €50 billion budget spending for Ukraine

"Orbán left the room when we voted": EU official explains how decision to open accession talks with Ukraine was made

Zelenskyy not invited to EU summit over concerns about Orbán's reactions – Politico

Dutch PM confident he will be able to convince Orbán to vote for Ukraine

Hungarian PM does not oppose Ukraine's EU accession but sees "no reason" for talks

Give me one reason why Ukraine shouldn't be in the EU, Zelenskyy tells Orbán

Hungary promises to unlock €50bn for Ukraine if EU gives it €30bn

Hungary's PM responds to Transcarpathian Hungarians who urged him to support EU membership talks with Ukraine

Guardian amends article on Orbán allies meeting US officials regarding Ukraine aid

Zelenskyy: I spoke with Orbán as frankly as possible

Guardian amends article on Orbán allies meeting US officials regarding Ukraine aid

Zelenskyy seen talking to Orbán in Argentina – photo

Hungary's Prime Minister once again says he is against talks on Ukraine's accession to EU

European Commission urged not to "appease" Orbán for Ukraine

French President invites Hungarian Prime Minister to convince him to support Ukraine's accession to EU − Politico

Hungarian Prime Minister asks European Council President not to submit decision on Ukraine to EU summit

Former Ukrainian President confirms he wanted to talk to foreign leaders of "sceptical EU states" on trips abroad

European Commission responds to Orbán, who wants Ukraine's EU accession off agenda

Ukraine's former president planned to meet with Hungary's PM, Russia sought to use it against Ukraine

Orbán comments on his letter with ultimatum on Ukraine

EU Council president to meet with Orbán after Hungary's ultimatum on Ukraine

Orbán writes letter to European Council Head with demands concerning support for Ukraine

Hungarian Prime Minister calls for "mistake" of opening EU membership talks with Ukraine to be "corrected"

Hungary presents 4 manipulative Ukraine-related questions to be put forward during domestic "national consultations"

Hungarian language situation in Transcarpathia was better in USSR than in Ukraine – Orbán

Hungary's Foreign Minister will have to explain Orbán's statements on Ukraine to EU ministers

Ukraine is not ready for EU membership talks – Hungarian PM

Over 50% of Hungarians find Orban's meeting with Putin unacceptable