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Hospitals in northern Crimea overcrowded with wounded Russian soldiers

According to Ukrainian authorities, hospitals in the cities of temporarily occupied Crimea, including Armyansk, Krasnoperekopsk, and Dzhankoy, are overcrowded with wounded Russian soldiers, while civilians are being sent to hospitals in Simferopol.

Hostomel: Russian forces take dozens of civilians hostage – Tsapliyenko

Trostyanets blocked– city temporarily under control of Russian forces

“We will never surrender Kharkiv”: Mayor refutes fake news about “capitulation”

Ihor Terekhov, Mayor of Kharkiv, has refuted false rumours claiming capitulation of Kharkiv; he assured that Kharkiv was holding on and would not surrender to the aggressor.

Russia mobilises residents of temporarily occupied territories

Military command of the Russian Federation has conducted a mobilisation of residents in the temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk Regions. It is now forming subdivisions of the 1st and 2nd Army Corps to storm cities and towns in the Ukrainian territory.

Possible provocation: Russian troops point their weapons towards their own country

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba warned that Russia may resort to provocation as the country points its own rockets stationed in Ukraine towards Russian territory.

Reznikov has called on Ukrainians to burn the invader’s food supply columns and ammunition

Oleksiy Reznikov, Ukrainian Minister of Defence, called on Ukrainians to wage guerrilla warfare and burn the rear food supply columns and ammunition in those territories temporarily occupied by enemy troops.

Russian cruise missile hits Kharkiv City Council

The Russian invaders hit the building of the Kharkiv City Council with a cruise missile.

Vereshchuk calls on international organisations to help in Donbass: Speak up on what is in your way

Russians committed genocide in Volnovakha, we have to leave - the people's deputy

Berdiansk temporarily occupied by Russian invaders – Zaporizhzhia Oblast Administration

The Russian occupying forces have temporarily gained control of Berdiansk, a city on the shore of the Azov Sea in Zaporizhia Oblast.

Invaders receive information about Ukraine's Armed Forces through fake calls to family members - Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2022, 11:50 am

Families and relatives of Ukrainian servicemen receive calls from the Russian invaders who use the mobile phones of Ukrainian soldiers to report false information about their situation and location.

KrymSOS Website Blocked in Crimea

Users who try to access from different locations on the occupied peninsula see a message that access to the resource is restricted.

Aivazovsky Paintings Moved from Crimea to Moscow

Thirty eight works by famous marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky were taken from Aivazovsky Gallery in Feodosia, Crimea to an exhibition in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Ukraine Mulling Sum of Crimea Court Claim Against Russia

The final amount of damages Ukraine will sue Russia for in the European Court of Human Rights for occupation of Crimea is to be determined after the Court’s decision.

Three Generations of Pain. What May 18th Means for Crimean Tatars

May 18th is the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Crimean Tatar Genocide. This day in 1944 marked the start of the operation of forced resettlement of Crimeans to Uzbekistan and the Urals region which led to the deportation of more than 180,000 Crimean Tatars in just two days. By different estimates, between 25% and 45% of deported people died on the way and in the so-called special settlements. In 2016, all public remembrance ceremonies for this tragic date in Crimea were banned by the Russian Federation authorities.