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Ministry of Internal Affairs

Leshchenko: Avakov’s Dismissal Will Provoke Rupture of Coalition

The dismissal of Interior Minister Arsen Avakov will incite rupture of a coalition resulting in early parliamentary coalition, the Petro Poroshenko Bloc MP Serhiy Leshchenko believes.

Herashchenko: Police Officers Will Be Punished for Kryve Ozero Death

MP and member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs board Anton Herashchenko stated on Facebook that the police officer guilty of the man’s death in Kryve Ozero will be punished according to the law.

Avakov Announces Decrease in Number of Generals

Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov has announced a planned decrease of the number of generals in his Ministry. He says that he submitted the project on this to President Petro Poroshenko.

Sheremet Murder: Suspects’ Faces Visible on CCTV Footage

Andriy Shevchenko, the lead prosecutor in the murder of Pavel Sheremet informed that in some of the CCTV videos from the crime scene the facial features of the suspects are clearly visible

New Police Service Center to Launch in Kyiv

The first new police service center will be launched in Kyiv on July 12, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov reported on his Facebook page.

Interior Ministry Refuses to Disclose Why Kolomoyskyi Met Avakov

The Ministry of Interior has refused to explain why oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi came to its building on June 22.

Chief Sanitary Doctor ‘Caught Cashing Embezzled Money’

NABU and police arrested the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Sviatoslav Protas in his office when he was cashing a first tranche of money he embezzled.

Shkiriak: Azov and Donbas Regiments to Return to Frontline

Adviser to the Minister of the Interior Zorian Shkiriak claims that return of National Guard of Ukraine special units to the frontline is a justified option.

Avakov Announced a New System of Police Education

The system of police education in Ukraine will be seriously reformed and a number of changes to legislation are planned to enable this reform.

Cabinet of the Ministers Accepted the Resignation of Zguladze

The Cabinet of the Ministers of Ukraine accepted voluntary resignation of the Deputy Minister of Interior Eka Zguladze.