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Kharkiv Oblast

Russians shell Kharkiv region 48 times: many casualties

Russians shelled civilian population in the city of Kharkiv and the surrounding area, one woman killed

Mayor of Balakliia Stolbovyi fled to Russia with his family — Kharkiv Regional Military Administration

Update from the Regions: east under fire, explosions in the south, Kherson region needs evacuation

Russians launch missile strike on Lozova community

Kharkiv oblast: Russians fire on Balakliia, three people killed

"Evacuate if you can": authorities tell residents of two oblasts

Russian troops carried out 27 attacks on Kharkiv last night

Fighting continues in Kharkiv region, Russians suffer losses

General Staff: In Izium, occupiers fire on civilians to accuse the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Rape and torture: Ukraine’s Human Rights Commissioner on Russian crimes in Kharkiv region

General Staff: Russian troops successfully advanced in 2-3 towns

Kharkiv is currently out of reach for the Russian Army, counter offences taking place in some areas - says head of local military administration

Russians shell Kharkiv and Derhachi, leaving 3 dead and 7 injured

Donbas soon to face heavy fighting against the Russians – Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council

Kharkiv region: Russian troops fire on evacuation convoy heading for Balakliia, victims

Izyum city government: Izyum 80% destroyed

Kharkiv region: Russian forces strike 21 times with artillery, mortars and tanks

Kharkiv region: Russian troops damaged a hospital in temporarily occupied Balakliia – Head of Regional Military Administration

Izyum still seeing fiercest fighting in the Kharkiv region - Head of Regional Military Administration

Kharkiv region shelled 170 times by Russian Grad multiple rocket launchers over the past 24 hours

The Russians fired a missile near the centre of Kharkiv - head of the Regional Military Administration

Izium, a city in Ukraine’s east, has been under siege for 20 days – Russians are not letting people out

Kharkiv region: in the city of Derhachi, Russian occupiers fired at the City Council - there are dead and wounded

Aggressors fire indiscriminately on Kharkiv - Head of Regional Military Administration

Ukrainian air defence forces shoot down three Russian fighter jets in the Kharkiv region

Kharkiv region shelled 180 times by Russian Grad multiple rocket launchers

Kharkiv Region: Balakliya Mayor says he made a deal with the Russian aggressors

Air force destroys another Russian aircraft over Kharkiv region

Kharkiv region has come under shelling more than 200 times in the past 24 hour, some prohibited weapons used