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Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence officers target Russian surveillance system with FPV drone – video

7 people killed, 6 more injured: Ukraine's Defence Intelligence on Russia's losses after sinking Sergei Kotov ship

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence on destroying Russian warship: There were casualties

Defence Intelligence of Ukraine confirms destruction of Russian patrol ship Sergei Kotov by Magura drones

Ukrainian Defence Intelligence strikes Russian patrol ship

Four ships in a row: Defence Intelligence explains why Ukrainian drones started sinking Russian vessels – video

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence recollects details about operation to damage Ivan Khurs ship

Ukrainian Magura drone-boat developers reveal tactics for destroying Russian ships

Defence Intelligence's surface drones to hunt down Russian air targets as well

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence reports on hacking Russian Defence Ministry servers: much information obtained

Target and eliminate: How Ukraine's Magura drones devastate Russian ships

Ukraine's intelligence comments on explosion in Russia's Yekaterinburg: some citizens there cannot put up with Putin's regime

Russians and Belarusians have not bargained for production of Grad MLRS parts

Ukraine's intelligence reveals names linked to Russian Maidan-3 subversive operation

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence says Russian boat ablaze in Sea of Azov, casualties reported

Cooperation with CIA was like a two-way street – former defence intelligence head of Ukraine

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence and Security Service attack steel plant in Russian Lipetsk – video

5 more Russian aircraft were ordered to terminate their mission – Ukraine's intelligence on downing of A-50 aircraft

Rumour that Transnistria will ask to join Russia is unconfirmed – Ukraine's Defence Intelligence

Russia deploys 2 more Iskander missile launchers along Ukraine's border, totalling it to 48

Ukraine's intelligence: 470,000 Russians in occupied territories, increased presence on border

Russian pilot who surrendered helicopter to Ukraine found shot dead in Spain

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence reveals that its officers secured corridor for Ukrainian soldiers leaving Avdiivka – photo

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence chief believes no miracle weapon will change course of war

Ukrainian intelligence knows who poisoned spy chief's wife and hints at countermeasures in Russia

Zelenskyy on destruction of Russian landing ship: it brings more security to Black Sea – video

Ukrainian Intelligence intercepts Russian pilots' discussion of Tsezar Kunikov warship: Wreckage and patch of oil

Intelligence officers demonstrate use of Magura drones in sinking of Tsezar Kunikov – video

Russian landing ship Tsezar Kunikov hit in Black Sea, it has sunk – intelligence sources, photo, video

Ukraine's Defence Intelligence confirms Russians have Starlink terminals