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Mamuka Mamulashvili, Commander of the Georgian Legion: Ukraine is the only country to take on the challenge of the barbaric terrorist state that is Russia

Georgian parliamentary delegation arrives in Kyiv

Georgian parliament cites crisis in dialogue with Ukraine in response to invitation to Bucha

A new conflict is erupting between Georgia and Ukraine over possible transit of goods for the Russian army

Georgia’s former defence minister comes to fight alongside Ukrainians

Georgia’s former Minister of Defence Irakly Okruashvili has arrived in Ukraine together with other Georgian volunteers in order to fight against Russia.

Georgian government: War is no obstacle for exporting dairy to Russia

Georgia's Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Otar Shamugiya, said that the export of dairy products from Georgia to Russia was an "opportunity" and that he did not consider Putin's war against Ukraine to be an obstacle.

“Georgia’s decision to trade with Russia is a shady arrangement with the aggressor” – Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament

Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk criticized the government of Georgia due to its intention to conduct trade with the Russian Federation, despite international sanctions against Moscow.

Saakashvili Planning Active Role in Georgia Election

Mikheil Saakashvili, Odesa Governor and ex-President of Georgia, will actively engage in the Georgian Parliamentary election campaign.