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General Staff

Ukrainian Rocket Forces and Artillery destroy Russia's logistics hub – General Staff

Russia loses 810 soldiers and 12 tanks over past 24 hours

Air defence destroys all 6 Russian Shaheds

Ukrainian defenders have partial success south of Robotyne – General Staff report

Ukrainian defenders kill 870 Russian soldiers, destroying 12 tanks and 2 air defence systems

Russians attempt to advance on several fronts, over 90 combat clashes over past 24 hours – General Staff report

Ukrainian and Russian forces clashed 82 times today, with 3 fronts particularly "hot" – General Staff report

Ukrainian defenders kill almost 1,000 Russian occupiers in one day

Russian forces inflict 6 missile strikes and 53 airstrikes in one day

Ukrainian and Russian forces clashed 68 times today – General Staff report

Russia loses 16 tanks and 55 armoured vehicles in one day

Ukrainian and Russian forces clashed over 100 times over past day – General Staff report

Russians try to launch an assault on Avdiivka front, 20 attacks repelled – General Staff report

Ukrainian forces kill astonishing number of Russian soldiers and destroy many combat vehicles over past 24 hours

Ukraine's Defence Forces repel 40 Russian attacks on Kupiansk front – General Staff

Russia loses aircraft, helicopter, 11 tanks and air defence system

General Staff indirectly confirms advance of marines to eastern bank of Dnipro River

Russia launches 11 missile strikes and 46 airstrikes – General Staff report

Ukrainian defenders destroy aircraft and 6 helicopters

Ukraine's Defence Forces have partial success south of Robotyne – General Staff report

Russians conduct unsuccessful attacks on 6 fronts – General Staff report

Ukrainian defenders kill 800 Russian soldiers and destroy 26 artillery systems in a day

Russians try to encircle Avdiivka, Armed Forces of Ukraine repel 10 attacks in a day − General Staff

Russians launch offensive actions with air support on Avdiivka front – General Staff report

Russian forces lose warplane, helicopter, 17 tanks and 23 armoured combat vehicles over past 24 hours

Russian forces attempt to advance on Bakhmut and Avdiivka fronts, but to no avail – General Staff report

Situation on the front is heated, with 57 clashes between Ukrainian and Russian forces over the course of today – General Staff report

Ukrainian defenders kill another 880 Russian soldiers and destroy 8 tanks in one day

​​60 combat clashes on battlefield over past day – General Staff report

Ukraine's defence forces hold the line on Avdiivka front, repelling 15 Russian assaults – General Staff report