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France sends 100 power generators to Ukraine

Another multiple launch rocket system arrives in Ukraine from France

Head of Office of President of Ukraine talks to US, UK and French top-level advisers about air defence and security guarantees

France sends Ukraine more than 1,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid

Russian beats up two Ukrainian women in France because of Ukrainian music; Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry responds

Scholz, Macron and Draghi congratulate Ukraine on Independence Day

France will help with mine clearance in Chernihiv Oblast

Kremlin advises not to wait for a call between Putin and Macron: France is not a friend

Macron and Scholz: France and Germany will not ask Ukraine to make concessions

Macron: Ukraine should decide itself on what conditions to build peace

Kremlin reacts to Macron, Draghi and Scholz’s visit to Kyiv

Volunteer fighter from France is killed in Ukraine

Danilov shamed French companies doing business with Russia

Ukraine Criticizes PACE for French MPs’ Visit to Crimea

The failure of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to address violations of international law by its delegates disrupts the trust to the Assembly, Ukraine’s delegation to PACE states.