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Merkel rejects accusations that she was always trying to "understand Putin"

Merkel says Ukraine will not survive as independent state without US support

Merkel urges Ukraine to explore diplomatic solutions to end war

Russia would have attacked Ukraine sooner if it had started moving towards NATO in 2008 – Former German Chancellor

Merkel does not accept criticism and believes she is being made "scapegoat" for war in Ukraine

Merkel in her memoirs justifies slowing down Ukraine's path to NATO

Angela Merkel recalls Putin's fear of Ukraine joining NATO

Ukrainian Foreign Minister urges Germany not to repeat Merkel's mistake

Merkel says we should not "narrow our minds" in search for solution to end war in Ukraine

Bundestag call Merkel responsible for war in Ukraine due to blocking its entry into NATO

Merkel's long-time advisor supports provision of fighter jets to Ukraine

Putin disappointed by Merkel's words about Minsk agreements

"She wants to be trendy": Lukashenko indignant at Merkel's statement in support of Ukraine

New Berlin Wall cannot be allowed. An open letter to Angela Merkel