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Parcels containing military items found on trains to Moscow in Lithuania

Sunday, 6 October 2024, 10:16
Parcels containing military items found on trains to Moscow in Lithuania
The military items in question. Photo: Delfi

Lithuanian customs officers found four parcels containing various military items on passenger trains travelling from Kaliningrad to Moscow between 27 September and 2 October.

Source: Baltic states news website Delfi; European Pravda

Details: Employees of Kaunas Territorial Customs and the Criminal Customs Service at Kybartai railway station discovered a package containing items that are likely military (camouflage trousers) during an inspection of a mail wagon on a Kaliningrad-Moscow passenger train.


The items are believed to be intended for the Russian Armed Forces for use in the war against Ukraine.

A total of five pairs of camouflage trousers were reportedly seized in accordance with the EU Council Regulation.

Additionally, on 1 October, a similar shipment of five camouflage nets was intercepted in Kybartai on a train travelling from Kaliningrad.


Two other consignments with similar nets, intended for the Russian military, were on the same trains and seized by customs officers on 27-29 September.

Customs officers reported that such shipments, intended for Russian forces in the war against Ukraine, are usually sent by members of various non-governmental organisations in Kaliningrad.

The confiscated goods will be transferred by Lithuanian customs as aid to Ukraine.

Background: Lithuanian border guards refused to allow a Moscow-Kaliningrad transit train that had the letter Z and "Vilnius is a city of Russia" painted on the carriages to pass through Lithuania.

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