Ukrainian Reuters cameraman injured in Russian attack regains consciousness and starts speaking

Yevhen Kizilov — Thursday, 3 October 2024, 19:05

Reuters cameraman Ivan Lyubysh-Kirdey, who was severely injured during a Russian attack on a hotel in Kramatorsk on 24 August, has regained consciousness.

Source: Lyubysh-Kirdey’s wife, Mariia Semenchenko, on Facebook

Quote: "I have some very good news. It's been a few days now since Ivan Lyubysh-Kirdey has fully regained consciousness — and he has started speaking. The first thing he said to the doctors who were with him was some advice about what should be done with our neighbours, you know who. Well, because Ukrainians come out of a coma with those kinds of words."

Details: Mariia says that Ivan mostly recognises people, can answer simple questions, and remembers a lot.

Quote: "It's hard for him to speak (he has a broken jaw plus medication), and he also finds it hard to maintain eye contact, so he speaks with his eyes closed. But he also smiles, tries to make jokes (18+ jokes), gets annoyed, and is gradually showing other emotions."

More details: Mariia said that sometimes Ivan surprises her by what he remembers, like lyrics from his favourite songs. However, he can also say things that don’t make much sense, as people do after anaesthesia. For instance, he doesn’t remember his exact age (saying he's 20, then 40, then 15) or whether he’s married (sometimes he says he is, other times he denies it).

Nor does the cameraman fully remember what happened on 24 August. He knows that he was on an assignment, a missile hit, and he was injured, but "this information keeps slipping from his memory".

Quote: "His consciousness is fluid: sometimes he’s here with us, sometimes he’s lost in his memories. Then suddenly, he might say something strange to us but logical to him – about something from his life – landscapes, fishing, pizza, mountains, Petro Trots or whatever.

And he radiates love. Everyone who comes to see him, including doctors and nurses, he immediately tells them how much he loves them and how wonderful they are. And we all love him and keep reminding him how amazing and strong he is."

Details: Mariia added that "this isn’t the same Ivan he was before the missile strike", but "the Ivan he was before is somewhere close now". He still has to undergo several operations and has a long rehabilitation ahead of him.


  • Ukrainian Reuters cameraman Ivan Lyubysh-Kirdey was seriously injured during a Russian strike on a hotel in Kramatorsk, Donetsk Oblast, on 24 August. In total, four Reuters journalists – from Ukraine, the US, Latvia and Germany – were injured in the attack.
  • Ivan came out of his coma and was taken off the ventilator on 23 September, but at that time he had not yet regained consciousness.

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