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Border guards in Lithuania force Russians conductors to erase "Z" symbol from carriage – photo

Thursday, 3 October 2024, 16:14
Border guards in Lithuania force Russians conductors to erase Z symbol from carriage – photo
A Russian train with the symbol “Z”, “ZOV”, and the inscription “Vilnius is a city of Russia” written in Russian. Photo: VSAT

Lithuanian border guards refused to let the cars of the Moscow-Kaliningrad transit train pass, which had the letter "Z" painted on them and the inscription "Vilnius is a city of Russia".

Source: Lithuanian Border Guard Service; Delfi, Baltic states news website; reports European Pravda

Details: Lithuanian border guards report a Moscow-Kaliningrad transit train arrived at the Kena checkpoint last week.

A Russian train with the symbol "Z", "ZOV", and the inscription "Vilnius is a city of Russia" written in Russian. 
Photo: VSAT

On one of the carriages, border guards noticed the Russian army symbol "Z" and the inscription "ZOV" painted in black. The other carriage had an inscription: "Vilnius is a city of Russia".

The train staff could not explain where these inscriptions came from, the border guards added.

Lithuanian border officials said that if the inscriptions were not removed, the passengers would have to change carriages, and the carriages with the inscriptions would be unhooked and not allowed to enter Lithuania.


The train manager and his subordinates, under the supervision of the border guards, erased the inscriptions and letters with sand.

After all the checks, the train continued on its way along the established route.


  • Lithuania prohibits the demonstration of symbols of Russia's war in Ukraine, such as the letters "Z" and "V" and the St George's ribbon. Violators face administrative liability and fines.
  • Lithuania also banned the propaganda of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes and their ideologies in May 2023.

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