Ukrainian forces hit Russian Buk-M3 air defence system and destroy radar station for Buk-M2

Ukrainian forces have struck a Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile system and destroyed a target illumination and guidance radar station for 9S36 Buk-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems in temporarily occupied Luhansk Oblast.
Source: Ukraine's General Staff
Quote: "On the night of 24-25 October, units from Ukraine's Unmanned Systems Forces, in cooperation with other components of the defence forces, destroyed a Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile system and destroyed a target illumination and guidance radar station for 9S36 Buk-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems as part of a task to detect and destroy enemy air defence assets.
Details: The General Staff noted that the targets had been located in the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk Oblast, several dozen kilometres from the contact line.
The General Staff also stressed that the weakening of Russia's air defence makes other important Russian targets vulnerable to Ukrainian strikes both on the battlefield and in the deep rear.
Background: On 21 October, the General Staff announced that Ukrainian forces had destroyed a Russian Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile system stationed 60 kilometres from the front line. The estimated value of the destroyed system is between US$40 million and US$50 million.
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