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New CEO of state defence conglomerate selected from 20 candidates

Monday, 21 October 2024, 10:01
New CEO of state defence conglomerate selected from 20 candidates
Oleh Huliak. Photo: Ukroboronprom

The Supervisory Board of Ukroboronprom, the state-run defence concern and strategic manufacturer of weapons and military hardware in Ukraine, has appointed Oleh Huliak as the company's CEO.

Source: press service for Ukroboronprom

Details: The report states that the appointment was preceded by a search for and evaluation of candidates conducted by the Ukrainian representative office of Odgers Berndtson, an international company specialising in senior executive selection.


More than 20 people applied for the position of Ukroboronprom CEO, and three candidates were shortlisted.

The Supervisory Board held the final interview with them and decided on the candidate. Representatives of the US, UK and German embassies were involved in the interviews with the shortlisted candidates.

Quote from Herman Smetanin, Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine: "Oleh Huliak is well aware of the urgent needs of the army and is an experienced leader. The main tasks he faces now are to increase production volumes further, complete the reform of the state-owned defence industry and build an effective anti-corruption infrastructure."



  • Herman Smetanin, former Ukroboronprom CEO, has become Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine. 

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