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Ukraine needs to restore sovereignty over its territories before joining NATO – NATO PA chief

Sunday, 20 October 2024, 15:07
Ukraine needs to restore sovereignty over its territories before joining NATO – NATO PA chief
Gerry Connolly. Photo: Facebook

US Congressman Gerry Connolly, the president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, feels that the restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty over its territories should come before the opening of Ukraine's route to NATO.

Source: Connolly in an interview with Radio Liberty, as reported by European Pravda 

Details: Connolly stressed that an invitation to Ukraine to join NATO is not issued right now, because "now there is a war."


Quote: "I think we have to solve this, we have to restore Ukraine's sovereignty over its territories, and then make sure that the path to NATO is open," the congressman said.

Connolly assured that he understands "a certain haste and impatience on the part of Ukrainians."

"But we have, of course, a difficult and tragic situation in Ukraine. And this is the presence of Russian troops there and the Russian occupation. This must be resolved," the official added.


The congressman stated that he believed that Ukraine joining NATO in its entirety was the greatest choice, rather than in parts – a possibility that Western politicians address in private. 

"I believe this is the best path ahead. Whether it's the only option – maybe not. We don't know what will happen in this war, but we know what we hope for. That is why NATO and the US government have invested significant resources and developed a cooperation with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, so they can withstand and restore complete sovereignty over their whole territory," Connolly said.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Western officials who have discussed the idea that Ukraine should make territorial concessions in exchange for NATO membership have not spoken to him about this because they are afraid.

Le Monde reported that the administration of US President Joe Biden apparently has no significant objections to inviting Kyiv to join NATO and, should Kamala Harris win the election on 5 November, may begin to take steps in that direction.

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