Speaker of Polish Sejm raises issue of Volyn exhumations at meeting with Ukrainian foreign minister

Mariya Yemets, Alona Mazurenko — Wednesday, 2 October 2024, 13:27

During a meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, Szymon Hołownia, Marshal (Speaker) of the Polish Sejm (lower house of the Polish parliament), brought up the issue of exhuming the remains of victims of the Volyn tragedy. [The Volyn (Volhynia) tragedy was a series of events that led to the ethnic cleansing of the Polish and Ukrainian populations in 1943 during World War II. It was part of a long-standing rivalry between Ukrainians and Poles in what is now Ukraine's west. Poland considers the Volyn tragedy a genocide of Poles – ed.]

Source: Polish news agency PAP, citing a communiqué from the Sejm Chancellery, as reported by European Pravda

Details: Hołownia and Sybiha discussed many issues, including further security cooperation and comprehensive support for Ukraine.

The Sejm speaker also raised the issue of resuming the search and exhumation of Poles killed during the events in Volyn during World War II.

"In light of the approaching All Saints' Day, the Speaker of the Sejm emphasised the deep significance for Polish people of lighting candles on the graves of their loved ones who perished. He stressed that knowing the burial sites is crucial. This issue is a matter of civilisation, not politics," the Sejm Chancellery reported.

He also emphasised that "the issue of respect for the dead is fundamental to the values on which the European Union is based".

The Sejm Chancellery reported that the speaker "is deeply convinced that Poland and Ukraine are in a situation where good communication based on truth and respect is the basis for the security of both nations".


  • Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, Marshal of the Polish Senate, the parliament’s upper chamber, also touched upon this issue, stressing that it is very important for Polish society.
  • During his visit, Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha stressed that Ukraine was ready to discuss complex historical issues with Poland.
  • Earlier, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Teofil Bartoszewski stated that the issue of exhumations of victims of the Volyn tragedy would be considered part of the opening of the first chapter of negotiations with Ukraine on EU accession.

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