Ukrainian polar explorers share video of sea leopard chasing them

Ukrainska Pravda — Sunday, 4 August 2024, 11:14

Ukrainian polar explorers from the Vernadsky Research Base have posted a video of a sea leopard literally chasing their boat during a recent trip to the ocean.

Source: Ukraine's National Antarctic Research Centre

Details: "Of course, such attention from the animal is interesting but not very pleasant.

The sea leopard has sharp teeth, moves very quickly in water (up to 40 km/h or 24.8 mph) and is considered one of the main predators of the Antarctic. It preys on krill, fish, penguins, and other seals and can easily catch up with and gnaw through a boat," the scientists explained.

The scientists say a sea leopard is 3-4 metres long and weighs 300-400 kilograms.

"When the polar explorers realised they had an unexpected companion, they immediately stopped working in the ocean and headed back to the station. Most likely, the leopard perceived the appearance of the vehicle as an invasion of its territory and decided to drive the strangers away. That's why it chased the boat until it docked on the island," the polar explorers say.

Scientists often see sea leopards in the Vernadsky area, especially when they come to Galindez Island at the end of the Antarctic summer.

"During this time, they begin hunting near the shores where penguin colonies are located, targeting inexperienced cubs in the water. After a successful hunt, like other members of the seal family, they enjoy resting on ice floes," the National Academy of Sciences says.

Due to warming, the waters around Galindez Island have hardly frozen in recent years, allowing penguins to remain in the Vernadsky area year-round instead of migrating north. Consequently, sea leopards, which prey on penguins, can also stay near the polar explorers throughout the winter.

Background: Earlier, Ukrainian polar explorers showed the starry sky above Vernadsky station.

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