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One of Ukraine's wealthiest oligarchs left Ukraine using forged documents – Ukrainska Pravda sources

Sunday, 7 July 2024, 14:27
One of Ukraine's wealthiest oligarchs left Ukraine using forged documents – Ukrainska Pravda sources
Hennadii Boholiubov. Photo from Ekonomichna Pravda website

It has emerged that Hennadii Boholiubov, an associate of Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoiskyi and former co-owner of Ukrainian bank PrivatBank, left Ukraine illegally using forged documents.

Source: Ukrainska Pravda sources in the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office and business circles

Details: Boholiubov is known to have left Ukraine by the Kyiv-Chełm train on the night of 23-24 June.


This information had previously appeared on social media.

Boholiubov fled because Ukraine's Economic Security Bureau had intended to serve him with a notice of suspicion in the PrivatBank case. [The PrivatBank case concerns allegations of financial misconduct and mismanagement at Ukraine's largest commercial bank which led to its nationalisation in 2016 due to significant financial losses – ed.]

Boholiubov left the country using forged documents, though he entered Poland using his personal ones.


The businessman is now in Austria.

Additionally, sources report that a Ukrainian border guard who assisted the businessman in fleeing to Poland was taken into custody on 6 July.

For reference: Boholiubov is a Ukrainian businessman and billionaire. He is a co-founder and co-owner of the Privat group.

The businessman is 62, which means he is not subject to mobilisation and therefore is not restricted by the travel ban.


  • In November 2020, the Commercial Court of Kyiv opened another case brought by former PrivatBank shareholder Hennadii Boholiubov in which he sought to reclaim the shares he held at the time of the bank's nationalisation.
  • Boholiubov had previously filed numerous claims attempting to recover the shares in PrivatBank that he owned before it was nationalised.
  • On 4 December 2018, a court in the UK issued a worldwide freezing order over assets owned by Kolomoiskyi and Boholiubov.

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