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Russia increases surveillance of citizens on Internet – UK Defence Intelligence

Saturday, 6 July 2024, 13:05
Russia increases surveillance of citizens on Internet – UK Defence Intelligence
Stock photo: open sources

Russia is strengthening the blocking of VPN services and trying to restrict phone calls via the Internet to restrict citizens' access to truthful information and increase surveillance. 

Source: UK Defence Intelligence review dated 4 July on Twitter, as reported by European Pravda

Details: The agency assessed the removal of several VPN applications from the Russian App Store at the request of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media because they allegedly provide access to "illegal content".


"This is almost certainly intended to restrict the ability of Russian citizens to access independent Russian and international media, as well as to simplify the ability of the security services to monitor Russian citizens," the review says.

Separately, the Federal Security Service requires telecom operators to turn off Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telephony services, explaining this by the need to reduce the number of fraud cases.

"In reality, it is highly likely it is intended to increase the ability of the Russian authorities to monitor and restrict the communications of private citizens and corporate entities," the review says. 


The UK Defense Ministry points out that these two measures correspond to Russia's efforts to control the internal environment and restrict citizens' access to information that does not align with the Kremlin's narratives. 

In a previous assessment, UK analysts explained how Russia steals minerals and resources from the occupied parts of Ukraine.

Earlier, UK Defence Intelligence claimed that Russia is resorting to legal prosecution of migrants, mainly from Central Asia, to force them to join the Armed Forces and fight in Ukraine.

Also, UK Intelligence assessed the risks for the Russian government in connection with the practice of sending convicts to the war against Ukraine.

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