Rescue workers have been removing debris of residential building in Dnipro for a week – photos

VALENTYNA ROMANENKO — Thursday, 4 July 2024, 15:24

Emergency workers have removed 90% of the rubble of a residential building in the city of Dnipro which was destroyed in a Russian attack on 28 June.

Source: Serhii Lysak, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration

Quote: "A residential building in Dnipro has been damaged. Rescue workers have been working there non-stop for a week. Around the clock.

They climb up on top of the rubble and remove it. Almost 90% of work has been done. More than 1,600 tonnes of construction garbage were taken from the attacked building. Public utility employees help remove it."

Details: Reportedly, rescue workers inspected 45 apartments after gaining access to them.

Photo: Lysak on Facebook
Photo: Lysak on Facebook

Lysak thanked the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and everyone who helped them deal with the consequences of the Russian attacks.


On the evening of 28 June, the Russian army launched a missile strike on a nine-storey building in the city of Dnipro; 1 person was killed and 12 more injured.

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