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Slovak president threatens Ukraine over suspension of Russian oil transit

Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 15:41
Slovak president threatens Ukraine over suspension of Russian oil transit
Peter Pellegrini. Stock photo: Getty Images

Slovakian President Peter Pellegrini sharply criticises Ukraine for stopping the transit of oil produced by Lukoil (Russia’s largest oil company) through the Druzhba pipeline and threatens to respond to Kyiv's actions.

Source: a statement by Pellegrini, quoted by Denník N

Details: The Slovak leader stated that his country helps Ukraine with the reverse gas supply and electricity supply.


"If the situation is not corrected, we will be forced to react," Pellegrini said, adding that Slovakia, in his opinion, does not deserve such an approach from Kyiv.

For his part, Slovak Defence Minister Robert Kaliňák said that by stopping the transit of Russian oil, Kyiv was "risking a lot."

"Ukraine's actions were irresponsible," Kaliňák added.



  • Hungary and Slovakia convened the European Commission's Trade Policy Committee to discuss the suspension of oil transit by Russia's Lukoil through Ukraine.
  • The day before, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said that he would block €6.5 billion in payments from the European Peace Fund to compensate for arms supplies to Ukraine until the problem with Lukoil's oil transit is resolved.

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