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US prepares to introduce new measures to jam Russian and Chinese satellites

Saturday, 20 July 2024, 19:48
US prepares to introduce new measures to jam Russian and Chinese satellites
Stock Photo: Getty Images

The US Space Force is about to deploy a new ground-based signal jamming system designed to stop Chinese and Russian satellites from transmitting information about US troops during a conflict.

Source: Bloomberg

Details: The first ground-based jammers for Remote Modular Terminals are scheduled to be installed this year after several successful tests. By 31 December, the first 11 of the 24 jammers will be deployed in locations that will not be disclosed for security reasons.


The US Space Force stressed that the terminals are small, transportable, and inexpensive satellite communications jammers that can be deployed in harsh environments to protect US forces.

These new terminals will augment a more extensive jamming system called the Counter Communications System and a medium-sized system called Meadowlands, which the US Space Force has already deployed and is using.


  • The US Department of Defense has been actively expanding its space warfare capabilities in 2024, as it believes that China and Russia’s rapid progress in space operations poses an increasing threat to US satellites in orbit.
  • Data obtained by the US suggests that Russia is developing nuclear weapons designed to be deployed in Earth orbit, which could pose a threat to American satellites.
  • Russia has also launched satellites that can be used as space-based weapons.

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