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Orbán discusses peace with Trump: former president plans to resolve this "issue"

Friday, 12 July 2024, 07:37
Orbán discusses peace with Trump: former president plans to resolve this issue
Orbán and Trump. Photo: Twitter (X)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has reported that he has met with former US President Donald Trump in the US, discussed peace in Ukraine and stated that Trump intends to resolve "this issue".

Source: Orbán on Twitter (X); Trump on Truthsocial 

Quote from Orbán: "Peace mission 5.0. It was an honour to visit President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to make peace. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!"


Trump, in turn, thanked Orbán and added that peace needs to be achieved as soon as possible.

Quote from Trump: "Thank you Viktor. There must be PEACE, and quickly. Too many people have died in a war that should have never started!"


  • On 2 July, Viktor Orbán made his first visit to Kyiv since Hungary's presidency in the EU Council began, and after that he travelled to Moscow, where he met with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Orbán called his trip to Russia "peacemaking". On social media, he posted a photo from the Vnukovo airport government terminal with a large inscription "Moscow" in the background, to which Orbán's press service added the logo of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU, despite Brussels noting that Orbán was only representing his own country during his trip.
  • Later, Orbán visited Azerbaijan, where he spoke at an informal summit of the Organisation of Turkic States, and to China, where he met with Xi Jinping and announced other visits. 
  • On 8 July, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy explained why Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán cannot be an intermediary between Ukraine and Russia.
  • After the trip to Moscow, Viktor Orbán explained how he had hidden these plans from Western allies until the last moment and promised more "surprise meetings" soon.
  • The EU started discussing punishing Hungary and Viktor Orbán's government for their international activity and fake "mediation" to end the war in Ukraine. In particular, they are discussing the possibility of an early end to Hungary's presidency of the Council of the European Union. 

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