UN General Assembly to consider Ukraine's resolution on nuclear security as continuation of Peace Summit

The project of a resolution concerning nuclear security, which has been prepared by Ukraine, will be considered by the UN General Assembly as a continuation of the provision on nuclear security in the Peace Formula of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Dozens of countries are ready to support the project.
Source: Serhii Kyslytsia, the permanent representative of Ukraine in the UN, cited by European Pravda
Details: On 11 July the UN General Assembly will consider the resolution project on Safety and Security of Nuclear Facilities of Ukraine, Including the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, which Ukraine will submit for consideration jointly with dozens of partner states that are ready to support it.
Анонс ‼️ 11 липня Україна разом з десятками країн-коспонсорів* виносить на розгляд Генеральної Асамблеї ООН проєкт резолюції «Безпека та захищеність ядерних об’єктів України, включаючи Запорізьку АЕС».
— Sergiy Kyslytsya 🇺🇦 (@SergiyKyslytsya) July 11, 2024
Невдовзі після Саміту про мир для України у Швейцарії ГА ООН розгляне… pic.twitter.com/dG9xO1QFV9
Serhii Kyslytsia noted that nuclear security was one of the key issues at the first Peace Summit in Switzerland last month.
"The project of the General Assembly’s resolution says that it was stressed at the summit that any use of nuclear energy and nuclear facilities must be safe, protected, well-guarded and not harmful to the environment, and that Ukrainian nuclear power plants and facilities, specifically the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, must remain under full sovereign control of Ukraine in accordance with the principles of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). We are grateful to the countries that supported the project before the voting and became its co-sponsors," he stated.
As of now such countries as Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belize, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa-Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Italy, Latvia, Liberia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Micronesia (Federal States), Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Palau, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San-Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tonga, the UK, the US, and Vanuatu are going to support the project.
The meeting will start at 22:30 Kyiv time.
Background: After the first Peace Summit, Zelenskyy stated that the consideration of the three issues chosen for discussion then – nuclear security, food trade security, and the liberation of Ukrainian prisoners of war and deported children – may have "totally practical steps" as a result.
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