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Russian nighttime missile attack damages supermarket and shatters dozens of windows in Dnipro – photos

Monday, 1 July 2024, 06:09
Russian nighttime missile attack damages supermarket and shatters dozens of windows in Dnipro – photos
Aftermath of the Russian attack on Dnipro. Photo: Suspilne. Dnipro

A supermarket was damaged as a result of an explosion in the city of Dnipro on the night of 30 June - 1 July.

Source: Suspilne. Dnipro

Details: Early reports indicate that there were no casualties.

Наслідки влучання у Дніпрі, фото: Суспільне. Дніпро
Aftermath of the Russian attack on Dnipro.
Photo: Suspilne. Dnipro

The ceiling in the supermarket's trading hall was destroyed and shops nearby were also damaged.

Наслідки влучання у Дніпрі, фото: Суспільне. Дніпро
Aftermath of the Russian attack on Dnipro.
Photo: Suspilne. Dnipro

Windows in houses at the epicentre of the explosion were damaged.

Наслідки влучання у Дніпрі, фото: Суспільне. Дніпро
Aftermath of the Russian attack on Dnipro.
Photo: Suspilne. Dnipro



Several explosions were heard in the city of Dnipro at around 02:00 on the night of 30 June - 1 July.

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