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Up to 90% of POWs subjected to various kinds of torture in Russia, Ukrainian authorities say

Saturday, 8 June 2024, 18:17
Up to 90% of POWs subjected to various kinds of torture in Russia, Ukrainian authorities say
A Ukrainian prisoner of war liberated from Russian captivity. Photo: Kostin on social media

Andrii Kostin, Ukraine's Prosecutor General, has stated that, based on the testimonies of Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) liberated from Russian captivity, up to 90% of them have been subjected to physical and mental torture.

Source: Interfax-Ukraine news agency, citing Kostin during a media workshop on the international law on armed conflicts and bringing Russia to justice for international crimes

Quote: "The first screening – an informal conversation with POWs who are now coming back [from  captivity] – reveals that up to 90% of our people suffer from various kinds of torture, inhuman treatment, physical [violence], including sexual, and mental violence."


Details: Kostin emphasised that "the system that Russia has created is a system of torture and inhuman treatment of those who are in their hands in the occupied territories or the territories of the Russian Federation".

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